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Herbalfuge by Professional Complimentary Health Formulas ( PCHF ) 90 capsules

Herbalfuge by Professional Complimentary Health Formulas ( PCHF ) 90 capsules

Regular price $22.00 Sale


For relief of acute or chronic intestinal micro-organisms infections, providing an environment unfriendly to parasites and pathogens, including parasites, bacteria, fungus, yeast, and/or viruses. This is a highly useful vermifuge.


May be helpful in cases of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Colitis, Crohn's Disease, Intestinal and Vaginal Yeast infections, GERD, Acid Reflux, Hiatal Hernia. May be helpful for vaginal and prostatic STD infections, etc.

Recommended Dosage: 1 capsules three times daily before each meal or as directed

Each capsule contains:

  • Pink root (Spigelia marilandica) 130 mg
  • Culvers root (Leptandra virginica) 65 mg
  • Senna pods/leaves (Cassia) 65 mg
  • Violet leaves (Viola odorata) 65 mg
  • Cascara sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) 32 mg
  • Slippery Elm root (Ulmus fulva) 32 mg
  • Pomegranate (Punica granatum) 5 mg
  • In a base of Alfalfa root, Cranesbill root, Fenugreek seed, Flax seed, Goldenseal, Mullein leaves, Myrrh gum, Poke root, White Oak bark, Witch Hazel bark, at 5 mg each, and Vegetable MCT.

*These statements have not been evaluated be the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.