23andme Nutrition
You have just received results of your 23andme.com genetic analysis and you now wonder:
1. What does all this 23andme genetic information mean?
2. How relevant are the findings to my current health status?
3. How do I use this genetic information to help prevent future health problems?
Clinical Nutrition Centers has your answers, we can provide you with a unique and accurate interpretation of your 23andme genetic results based on a cutting-edge computerized review of the reported genetic data. Call us now at 855-326-8449 to schedule your one-hour appointment for a comprehensive review and recommendations.
The Clinical Nutrition Centers Genetic Methyl Nutritional Analysis merges together the ever-growing scientific research on genes and genetic errors (which contribute to health problems) with more than 602,000 pieces of genetic information that have been obtained from your 23andme test. The system then creates a computerized review of this research and your unique 23andme results. Our program enables us to extract the most important genetic data from your 23andme and reveal the strengths and weaknesses of your genetic biochemistry as it applies to an individual’s health. Once this is complete, you receive an overview of the following:
- Digestive system’s tendencies
- Liver detoxification capacities
- Ability to safeguard against oxidation
- Brain chemistry and balance
- Methylation efficiencies
- Antioxidant production capacity
- Ammonia and sulfide clearance
- Vitamin D production problem
- And so much more!
Call us now at 855-326-8449 to schedule your appointment.
We also include nutrition and supplement recommendations that have been customized to fit your results and can assist in compensating for your genetic weaknesses. These recommendations are designed to directly assist you regarding the number of genetic mutations that you inherited, known as either SNPs (single mutations on genes) or DNPs (double mutations on genes). Genetic variants are related to the strengths and weaknesses of cellular and organ function. Knowing which genetic variants affect you, and how that impacts your health, can ultimately influence your overall health and longevity.
Below is one example of many pages from a patient’s 23andme results. There is also a brief example of what you receive from 23andme.com. If these results are difficult for you to understand, let us help you by interpreting your 23andme genetic results with an easy-to-understand packet of data prepared just for your unique results.

Contact our office now to schedule the one-hour initial appointment to review your 23andme results with the primary doctor at Clinical Nutrition Centers, Dr. Lawrence. At the initial visit you will also obtain specific nutritional recommendations and ja customized anti-aging protocol that will help you maximize your health, prevent diseases, improve your longevity potential, and your life extension.
Call us now at 855-326-8449 to schedule your appointment.
Dr. Lawrence’s Genetic Methyl Nutrition analysis of your 23andme test results contain his suggestions for your nutritional consideration based on your individual test results. We assess and compare multiple biochemistry methylation pathways to develop a personalized nutritional strategy for each individual.

The human biochemistry methylation map cycle contains the ideal pathways to focus on for your unique nutrigenomic analysis. The proper function and care of these pathways is essential for the many reactions occurring in the body every millisecond. A nutrigenomic assessment combines the concepts used in molecular biology with genomics, illustrating the ability of using foods and nutritional supplements to assist in improvement and maintaining overall health and wellness.
Call us now at 855-326-8449 to schedule your appointment.
The National Center of Excellence in Nutritional Genomics at UC Davis has stated, "The science of nutrigenomics seeks to provide a molecular understanding of how common dietary chemicals (i.e., nutrition) affect health by altering the expression and/or structure of an individual's genetic makeup... by understanding our nutritional needs, our nutritional status and our genotype, nutrigenomics should enable individuals to manage better their health and well being by precisely matching their diets {including nutritional supplements} with their unique genetic makeup." (Emphasis added)