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BioMolecular Oxygen By CellCore Biosciences 1 fl.oz
BioMolecular Oxygen By CellCore Biosciences 1 fl.oz

BioMolecular Oxygen By CellCore Biosciences 1 fl.oz

Regular price $52.00 Sale

BioMolecular Oxygen By CellCore Biosciences 1 fl.oz

Carbon. Hydrogen. Oxygen. These are three elemental building blocks of life. More than 99% of the human body is comprised of six elements: hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, and oxygen. Oxygen is the most abundant element by mass in the body--as it makes up roughly 65% of the body’s mass. It is an element necessary to healing, and of course, to life.

Oxygen can do so much for the body and overall wellness. It shortens healing and recovery times for organs and tissues. It assists the body in overcoming biotoxins, and provides vital support to body function--in particular brain function. The main obstacle with other oxygen products has been getting the oxygen to the right places within the body without losing potency to dissipation.

CellCore Biosciences researchers have overcome this obstacle, using proprietary processes to stabilize biomolecular oxygen, creating a supplement capable of delivering oxygen to various places in the body without dissipation. Usage BioMolecular Oxygen can be taken internally. Just add 5-10 drops to your favorite juice or a glass of water.

Have a muscle or joint ache? Apply a few drops topically and rub it in.

You may nebulized this product as well.


Oxygen is necessary for life--we all know this. It can do so much for our bodies in the wellness process: healing organs, helping us overcome biotoxins, and providing support to vital body functions, including brain function. Getting oxygen to the right places and leveraging its ability to heal has always been an obstacle.


CellCore Biosciences has figured out how to stabilize biomolecular oxygen, overcoming the greatest challenge in delivering oxygen to the body--the fact that normal oxygen immediately dissipates. It has trouble getting to where you need it to support and promote healing and wellness before that dissipation happens.

The stabilization process gets your body the oxygen it needs--where it needs it.


With Biomolecular Oxygen, you have an easy-to-use liquid. You can start with 5-10 drops, mixed in with whatever liquid you may already be drinking: water, juice, even your favorite smoothie.

Whether you’re drinking sixteen ounces or six, you can mix in Biomolecular Oxygen without issue. The impact on taste is imperceptible to most, and you can work your way up to 25 drops, multiple times per day as needed.


While Biomolecular Oxygen provides the overall health benefits of healing, promoting the body’s ability to rid itself of biotoxins, and absorption of free radicals, perhaps one of the most universal benefits is as a support to any health and wellness protocol at the outset.

Biomolecular Oxygen is excellent as a calming agent, calming the body down, which is especially helpful for those who are very sensitive or tend to react to various things.

It’s a high-energy molecule that truly helps heal the body.

CellCore Biosciences’ Molecular Oxygen provides the overall health benefits of healing, promoting the body’s ability to rid itself of.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not meant to diagnose‚ treat or cure any disease or medical condition.