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Green-Lipped Mussel by Nutritional Frontiers 90 Capsules

Green-Lipped Mussel by Nutritional Frontiers 90 Capsules

Regular price $28.50 Sale

Green-Lipped Mussel by Nutritional Frontiers 90 Capsules

Green Lipped Mussel is a dietary supplement to support proper connective tissue and joint functions.

About Green Lipped Mussel

Green Lipped Mussel is a Perna canaliculus (New Zealand Green- Lipped Mussel) supplement that provides key building blocks to support the structural integrity and maintenance of joints, ligaments and tendons.

Perna canaliculus is an edible species of shellfish from New Zealand. Research over the past 20 years shows that the perna mussel contains a combination of natural components that benefit joint dysfunction, which isolated components do not provide.

It is rich in:

Amino Acids (essential and non-essential) to support the growth and development of all body tissues.

Branched-chain amino acids (valine, isoleucine and leucine) used to provide energy directly to muscle tissue.

Naturally chelated minerals (for maximum bioavailability) to support the production of collagen, GAGs, proteoglycans, antioxidants and enzyme activity, and to support bone and skeletal health.

Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids to support joint health, immune system function and skin health, and to help regulate metabolic functions.

Naturally occurring glucosamine to support the production of GAGs and integrity of the synovial fluid.

Chondroitin Sulfates and Protein Factors that work synergistically to regulate the immune response and to neutralize the effects of destructive proteolytic enzymes. Chondroitin Sulfates to support comfort, improve joint lubrication, elasticity and vasculature.

Hyaluronic Acid to enhance the production of proteoglycans, support synovial fluid, lubricate connective tissue cells, and function as a lubricant between the connective tissues of the skin to retain moisture.

Support Proper Connective Tissue and Joint Functions*

- Supporting full range of motion
- Joint flexibility
- Joint lubrication
- Joint discomfort
- Strains
- Sprains

*These statements have not been evaluated be the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.